BOOK: Before It’s Too Late: The Estate Organizer for Canadians

by Nicole Garton

In the event you became incapable or passed away, do your family members and personal representatives know where to locate your critical personal and financial information and documents?

Organizing your most important information and documents will relieve a big burden on your family if anything should happen to you. Your preparation and planning now will ensure that your wishes are followed, your assets are managed and your estate is settled in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

You will be able to enjoy peace of mind knowing that this important task is taken care of.

Before It’s Too Late provides a clear, step-by-step method to help you and others keep track of:

  • Personal information and ID
  • Digital information
  • Real estate and personal property
  • Financial information
  • Legal documents
  • Your final wishes

Available on AMAZON





BOOK: The Heritage Trust Estate Administration Boot Camp: A Complete Guide on How to Probate and Administer An Estate in British Columbia

by Nicole Garton

Everything You Need to Know about Effectively Administering a British Columbia Estate.

The Heritage Trust Estate Administration Boot Camp guide is a comprehensive and practical resource designed to assist an executor or administrator of a BC estate, from start to finish. From making funeral arrangements to the final distribution, this guide offers a detailed look at the responsibilities and potential liabilities associated with administering a BC estate, including:

  • Definitions of key concepts and terms
  • Initial responsibilities, including arranging the funeral and dealing with remains
  • How to prepare and apply for letters probate and letters of administration
  • How to prepare an inventory of assets and debts of the estate
  • Income tax basics
  • Estate accounting basics
  • Your role as trustee
  • Distribution of the estate
  • Compensation for the personal representatives
  • Estates of Indigenous People
  • And further resources available

This practical guide will be indispensable for executors and administrators in BC.

Available on AMAZON







BOOK: Family Offices in Canada: Current Trends and Applications for Multigenerational Wealth Kindle Edition

by Nicole Garton

Eight out of ten Canadian businesses are family-run, and some of those businesses drive the wealth of Canada’s very-high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth families. These are people who want their families to be as successful as their businesses. They see both business and family as precious legacies to be stewarded, nurtured, grown, and handed down.

Contrary to widely held opinion, the wealthiest families in Canada do not live, work, and earn solely for themselves. They look toward the future, the rising generation of their families as well as the generations yet unborn. Most look as well toward the future of the businesses they have built and may yet build, businesses they may pass down through the family, and businesses they may sell to other individuals or corporate entities. Families who create significant enterprises are concerned with how these will contribute to the economy of their nation. They are anxious to ensure that their entrepreneurial investments, in real estate, in venture capital, in new business start-ups, will positively impact their fellow Canadians and their fellow human beings. Many are also committed to devoting a large fraction of their wealth directly to philanthropic projects and causes, which are often initiatives they don’t merely fund, but that they create, build, and lead.

More and more Canadians of wealth are realizing the importance of treating their family assets, their family identity, and their family brand as dimensions of the family’s business. Accordingly, more and more are establishing or joining “family offices.”

This book reveals the concept, the theory, and the practice of the family office as an instrument to enable legacy families to ensure that they nurture, encourage, inspire, and enable their members to create a positive impact on the world around them, on their community, their country, and on humanity itself, generation after generation.

This book will show you—

  • What a family office is
  • What it costs
  • Whether your family can benefit from it
  • How to establish it
  • How to manage it
  • How to integrate with your family’s business and investment interests
  • How it can preserve and grow a social, financial, and philanthropic legacy
  • And most of all, how it can keep your family united—today and for through the generations.

This practical guide will be indispensable for executors and administrators in BC.

Available on AMAZON

















BOOK: Harnessing Conflict: How Family Businesses Can Survive and Thrive

by Nicole Garton

Are you concerned about the impact of conflict on your family business? Harnessing Conflict draws upon over twenty years of experience in which Nicole Garton has assisted hundreds of families to navigate the opportunities and challenges of conflict. Based upon a groundbreaking methodology known as the “Family Business Conflict Code,” this guide provides a roadmap to help readers deconstruct family business conflict into its component parts. It will help you understand the sources that underlie all conflict, how conflict develops, best practices to prevent conflict, and how to effectively manage conflict when it happens. This book will arm both business families and their advisors with the latest thinking and tools for maximizing their success.

Available on AMAZON